Saturday, February 4, 2012


原来痛,是要用文字来表示的,因为只有文字才能写出自己的伤感。 今天,它走了,5-2-2012 1130am。 我们相处了十年,从我小学到现在,也毕业了,也许它也想毕业了吧。 回忆说不出不是因为没有,而是太多。看着它一年一年的虚弱,老化,心里感慨万分,就算明知它已命不久矣,还是会哭。 哭不是懦弱,而是不舍。 当我回到家时,它会撒娇,听我吐心事。它需要的不多,只是抚摸。 当我们子女们都在外地时,只有它,陪伴父母。 它老了不会吵,但是却超害怕烟火,会吠个不停。害怕的样子很可爱。 也许我们家给不了它很好的生活,但它却给了我们很美好的十年。 未来的某一天,我知道我们一定会再相聚,我很自私,十年的感情远远不够。 但我会比现在还爱你。 我写下这篇,是要让未来的我,不要忘了你。

Saturday, January 14, 2012


like finally...its a brand new year, i've officially finished my college life(results-pray hard)
too many things happened last year..some good,some really bad..
i lost things that i precious most..(yes..fuuuu)
but still a nice year...
spent my Christmas and new year countdown alone..due to stupid TARC exam(and lack of friend)
gonna head back penang..and a few mths ltr who officially a working excuses anymore on financial probs and stuff..cuz im an adult and i need to suck it up.. years resolution
as im still come interview if ur interested..
and i really do hope i can graduate successfully and have a nice work offer.. 
and...everyones so into memes now huh...and they are fking cute..
 done my shopping this year..less is better.haha
but still overspent tis year..

saw this book with yongkai during shopping and present hunting..u noe i wun go into book stores..i didnt even took the rm200 book vouchers
yongkai laughed his ass out to this
gonna say goodbye to my lovely wangsa and hi to my future..ciao